Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Day 3 - 118 -- A Sure Sign of Spring

Well, another sunny day -- but without heat. Spring, being a transition season, sends us many signs that warmer weather is on the way. We have spring bulbs blooming around town, magnolias budding that should appear soon, greater solar loading -- that warm feeling from sun beams, and slightly longer days as sun rise moves back and sun set moves forward -- each of these is a sign of moving into the next season in about eight more weeks. Nature is filled with different signs each day.

I've even found signs of spring in the house! A few intrepid ants have found their way inside, much to my dismay. The most prominent sign indoors is surely the clusters of cat hair found on the floors <smile>. Again, nature is fascinating. The changing light vs. dark hours trigger the pineal gland, which produces melatonin. These biochemical changes trigger hair follicles to renew growth, which means the existing hairs are shed. Spring shed is much larger than an Autumn shed due to the heavier winter undercoat. So, science does explain why it is so evident. My guy reminds me of Pigpen from Peanuts comic strips -- there is a cloud of spare hairs that fill the air surrounding him. <smile>  We brush at least once daily at this time of year, to ensure he swallows less when grooming. There would be enough to card and spin if I were so inclined -- it would make a cool scarf, but likely would be a bit on the scratchy side with some of the longer topcoat hairs. Thankfully it is easy to sweep up or just plain pick up in clumps some days. As long as I keep up with it daily, there will be no major issues for him or me.

One song from the dim distant past came to mind today. I was able to find a wonderful live performance to share. Enjoy!

Hair -- Broadway cast at 2009 Tony Awards

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