Friday, 14 April 2017

Day 4 - 103 -- Sunshine and Waiting

It was another bright sunny day with unseasonably warm temperatures. I did what I thought would be a quick grocery run before noon. All registers were open and I had more than the 12 item maximum for the 3 'quick' lanes. All lanes had 2-3 customers waiting. As I waited, a cashier from two rows over motioned me into her 12-max aisle as she could see that I likely had 18-20 items. She said she'd rather call someone over while waiting for the next group to line up with just a handful of things. Interesting. So, the day began well there.

I headed into the office for what I thought would be 1 hour or 2 tops. Granted I chatted over a short lunch with friends and with other friends in their offices as the day progressed. The printing ftom an online pdf took a lot of manipulation to get only the 4 pages of several hundred I needed. These were to have been submitted with an application yesterday. The deadline is a couple of days out, so I had time to get that added to the document dropped off yesterday. Another positive set of things in the day.

Once home I made supper and finished the last of the final exams. I'll do a quick review and submit it to the printer for Monday. That too took longer than expected. Seeing a trend here? <smile>. The song for today had two lines that entered my mind as I sat and waited for technology and people so I could do what needed to be done -- "I've been waiting so long to be where I'm going.". Luckily, the title also pays homage to the lovely weather encountered outside my window. All that and it contains a great guitar riff line (and super guitarist <smile>). Enjoy!

Sunshine of Your Love -- Eric Clapton

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