Saturday, 15 April 2017

Day 4 - 105 -- Fictional Characters

While working on household chores and grading over the past two days, I've been doing something I don't do very often -- binge viewing a series. Space played the last two seasons of Dr. Who yesterday and today -- with the 12th doctor, played by Peter Capaldi. While his is a darker doctor than the previous two incarnations, there were a couple of intriguing story lines. One in particular led to the end of a companion who has been around for several years. She became the main companion for the previous and the current doctor. Her name was Clara Oswald, though she had been called Impossible Girl and Oswin Oswald in her early appearances. Her first appearance involved making omelettes which would take far to long to explain here <smile>.

I find reactions to fictional characters interesting. In books, movies and television shows, one can become quite attached to particular characters or to whole casts. When the books, movies or series end viewers can be left with a void and not unlike losses in real life, can bring a type of grief. Clara's final death scene was very moving -- sad as viewers hoped that something would interrupt this death. It didn't -- well not really -- but as Riversong often said "Spoilers" <smile>. Jenna Coleman, who played Clara, has gone on to other work, most recently -- and notably -- as Victoria on the PBS series. For someone who is 30, she has had an amazing television career already. I've enjoyed many of the other companions, but this is the the one I've seen most in the past two days <smile>.

A song for this topic? Of course! <smile>. The theme for Clara on the Doctor Who series is one of my favourites. It sounds sad but it also played during her many positive experiences. The theme dealt with the beauty of her and her storylines. This version was taped much before her death, and shows that beauty of character and melody. Enjoy!

Clara's Theme (Doctor Who) -- Doctor Who Proms

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