Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Day 4 - 94 -- Day of Mixed Emotions

Today brought wonderful sunshine, disappointments and successes. Two courses have finished the major content. There needed to be major editing due to time constraints, but key points were covered. Disappointed that I couldn't cover some of the contextual pieces but the basics were there. One more class for each course will review and tie things together, while also speaking to the final exam format. A personal disappointment occurred, but I can learn from this and improve any similar situation in the future.

Reflection can be amazing. Trying to include a reflexive component helps to situate self in the review of past events. From this we can gain better understanding of our role in events and how things can stay the same or be altered for similar events in the future. Moving to the reflective place can help stop the blame game -- trying to find fault elsewhere. Sometimes the blame lies in many places and sometimes in just one place. While finding someone to take the weight of a failure might feel positive, understanding one's own role in the process can BE positive. Hmmm

The song that came to mind today has a bit of defiance in the lyrics. It sounds like a good reflective process. Enjoy!

Defying Gravity -- Idena Menzel

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