Sunday, 30 April 2017

Day 4 - 120 -- Adjustments

A sunny Sunday visited, one that was thankfully cool. I prefer cooler spring into summer temperatures as does the furry friend. Sleeping is so much more comfortable <smile>. I ran a few quick errands. The sun was very bright, but with the major north wind blowing, I couldn't wear my ball cap and have it remain on my head. So, much squinting was involved. I've had a headache for the past few days and this didn't help things much. Back at home, I worked to figure out what was on TV. I'm getting the hang of things with the new carrier service, but there is a long way to go. I guess after being with one company for 18.5 years, learning new channel numbers and on-screen searching can be difficult. I expect it will come together in a month or so. After all, it has only been 4 days since the change over. So -- why change? It is a simple case of monthly expenses. Savings will be significant moving everything to one carrier -- much as I dislike the concept of bundling, it made no sense to stay with a company I'd been loyal to but who saw me as a way to subsidize their new customers.

Change will pay off -- literally and figuratively in this case. Adjusting to change can be challenging at best. Yet, working through the process can teach us about ourselves and the world around us. Where do we fit? Where is our comfort zone? How can we move outside that zone in order to grow? Remaining in the same spot, whether due to comfort or fear or both, means that opportunities may be missed.  Trying new things helps us grow. Even if they don't work out for us, we learn and grow. I keep a list of new things I try or that occur in my immediate surround. This helps me to look back and realize that things don't stay the same much. Despite routines, changes happen with great regularity.

A song that seemed to fit this topic deals with adjusting to changes in life routines. The blues genre suits the topic well. Enjoy!

Change my Way of Living -- The Allman Brothers Band

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