Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Day 4 - 115 -- Incessant Counting

What a day! The last exam was written this afternoon. I was so tired having slept about 3.5 hours last night and not consecutive hours. Laying out the 139 exams was relatively easy and I had colleagues offer to help me get them all down. The rink arena is huge so this help was amazing to have. <smile> I asked two students parked beside me in the lot to help me carry the boxes into the room, which they did with smiles. Two friends offered to help me get the boxes back to the car -- very nice gestures.

Once back in the office, I counted them all -- again, as it seemed that we were short a person in the exam room. We were. Counting and recounting and then counting and checking names took forever -- ensuring that all the requisite pieces were there and everything had a name on it (they all didn't). I've been counting these things all day, it seems. <smile> They are all now here and ready for the onslaught of the red pen. My brain needs some rest before I can do much else with them, though. I'm sure that is why I had to restart my counting and checking several times, as I kept drifting off from the methodical, though somewhat frantic counting that was running through my mind - or what was left of it today. <smile> I've done advanced level maths -- stats, trig, calculus -- but it was always a challenge as I'm not a numbers person.

One song seemed to fit the frenetic activity of the day filled with numbers. Interestingly, my students were alternated with those writing calculus <shudder>. I do love this song and its energy -- something I could have used earlier. Enjoy!

One Week -- Barenaked Ladies

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