Sunday, 23 April 2017

Day 4 - 112 -- Earth Day

I've been buried in exams and believe the red pen is now permanently fused to my hand. So, sorry that this post is late (it should have been written yesterday). When I stopped last night, I was hungry and very tired, so I ate, washed my hair and tried my best to sleep.

While grading yesterday, the topic of sustainability appeared often on the television that was on in the background trying to act as white noise and drown out anything from outside my house. My yard care fellow arrived to work on the spring cleanup. We discussed the repair work needed at the edge of the lawn and down the driveway from large plow blades cutting sod and tree roots as well as creating rather deep ruts in the ground and grass. I'm hoping it will all come back without much issue. It was pleasant to get outside and to talk to another human even if for a brief period between exam questions and laundry loads. <smile> 

Many vignettes on the television were highlighting Earth Day topics. Some were positive, dealing with what is being done, while others drew attention to the need for further work. My e-mail contained several donation requests from various not-for-profits. The day was not easy to miss. The song shared today is one that I've heard before. The lyrics (and the video chosen) contain a plea to notice the beauty of the world and not damage it further. The singer's voice fits this song well. She is from Sainte-Felicite in the Gaspesie area of Quebec. (seems I can't get the diacriticals in where they are needed in those words <sigh>) Enjoy! 

L'Hymne a la Beaute du Monde -- Isabelle Boylay 

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