The disruption to the usual quieter evenings of this time of year led me to ponder silence. I work to find that inner silence. Often activities with friends can help me find that feeling akin to peace. it is much more challenging to meet over food or a beverage and to share hugs and laughter at present. Not impossible, but there are differences with a screen to see and touch instead of the real people <smile>. This can make me feel selfish or worse yet, needy. Sheltering in place as a singleton in the dwelling is far different from those with two or ore in the home. There are challenges either way, I expect <smile>.
Those of us with one person who can help us find that inner silence and sit with it, are lucky. Those who have more than one such being in their life are over the top lucky. I am grateful for dear friends who help me regain calm in the midst of some inner (and outer) storms. Friends who can sit in silence and be comfortable or communicate without saying anything. This type of silence is such a gift.
The song chosen for today has lyrics that speak to the ability of others to help us find a place of calm. I find the rhythm and melody helps me to pause and breathe. Keep well. Enjoy!
Easy Silence -- Dixie Chicks
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