I put the question to social media followers -- what was one small thing that they did each day to bring a smile or a feeling of calm? Responses were diverse with many expected and some less so.
Several categories of responses appeared. These included:
- Physical activity such as walking alone or with the dog, dancing, or doing yoga
- Media consumption by finding a song for the day online, streaming movies, or binge watching television series
- Reflective quiet time such as drinking a cup of tea while watching birds, and balcony or porch sitting
- Interpersonal interactions like snuggling the cat, hugging the dog, video chatting with family and friends, enjoying sunshine or telling a joke
- Creative pursuits like sewing, doing cross-stitch, playing or listening to music, singing, baking or writing a journal (or a blog <smile>)
Each of these is a form of self care to build resilience during a crisis. Most of us could look at our list of such activities and choose the top three. What do we need as support to do these activities? When will they fit into our daily schedules? Making plans to ensure such events occur will help us to quell the fear, anxiety or frustration that are all normal responses to this abnormal situation.
Small things mean a lot. The points shared by those who responded are simple and can bring pleasure and a sense of calm or even accomplishment. They add a bit of normalcy in an otherwise wacky world. A song by an artist from Halifax came to mind today. The lyrics fit well with the idea that small things can bring positive feelings. Stay safe. Enjoy!
Simple Pleasures -- David Myles
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