Saturday, 4 April 2020

Day 7 - 95 -- Online Calm

While doing housework chores, I took time for a cup of tea and a visit with James Taylor. He did a Q&A from the home out west where the family had gone for March break. Now they are staying put. That was interesting. Then I watched Oprah's Master Class in life with James Taylor. Both of these are available on YouTube. This second video was a great session. He spoke about the lessons he'd learned through life providing some great autobiographical content. Both music and addictions provided the lenses used to explore his life learnings. These included:
- Let yourself be rescued.
- Surround yourself with good people.
- Take time for solitude.
- Run like hell.
- Share your life.
- Satisfy your own spiritual needs.
- Allow yourself to be vulnerable.
- Sweat it out.
- Be there.
- Transcend.

I found several of these to mean a lot to my personal situation. In reference to taking time for solitude, he spoke about its importance in song-writing. I found it interesting that he noted that he needed three days with nothing else going on, during which he'd hear pieces of songs. In the day or days following, he'd push these pieces together. This sounded very similar to how I write, whether it is a blog, poem or research paper. It was so good to hear another submit to a similar process -- a creative process not fully within one's control. But, by taking time for oneself, the process can be productive.

While listening to these two videos, several songs played. I chose the two that meant the most to me today -- each being very soothing. The first fits the theme of an online meeting with friends this evening. The second has a calming melody and poetic lyrics. Enjoy!

You've got a friend -- James Taylor

Carolina in my Mind -- James Taylor

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