Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Day 7 - 104 -- Happy Surprises

Today brought several happy surprises. It bagan with some good news from a friend, followed by an afternoon phone chat with a colleague (a former student) and an evening phone chat with a local friend and a video chat with a friend from away. These helped to lift spirits. I went for a walk with tunes in my ears just as there were occasional raindrops. We are in the path of the major storm that has blown through the US over the past two days. Overnight, we epect major rain accompanied by very big winds. Due to the latter, there may be power outages. Trying to rmain positive about this one -- it will pass by quickly thankfully.

Surprises are very special. Lately, I've heard from several people with whom I've been out of touch for a short or longer time. What a gift!Being able to pick up a comfortable conversation even after a few years, is amazing. it indicated that these people are close in my heart. They made me smile.

The song shared today played during my walk. The lyrics reflected how I felt today. It was a good day, so this uplifting song just fit. Enjoy!

Let's Dance On -- The Monkees

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