Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Day 7 - 99 -- What is Normal?

I have felt off kilter for a while now. I know I am not alone in this feeling. Normal is constantly evolving. Every time I think I'm almost there -- it all changes again. So where is this 'there' that I'm trying to inhabit? We live with a certain amount of predictability, but that has changed recently. The situation is different from anything anyone has encountered. Science is still getting a handle on the situation. We are learning as we go. The rapidity of change doesn't allow time to adapt before further changes present themselves. We know there will be an end with a new normal, but for the foreseeable future we will be dealing with constantly changing directions. Granted, this creates stress, but we can practice self-care to find soothing activities throughout the day.

Tonight, I listened to a live streamed concert. The music made me move and smile -- both calming or soothing activities. <smile> There are other streaming events over the next few days that I plan to 'attend' to highlight the days. Our town often has concerts and live theatre events throughout the year, so this will be similar yet different -- together yet apart. The ability to participate in such social gatherings virtually reminds me that there are others out there. I am not alone.

A song from the concert tonight seemed to fit what I'd been thinking of throughout the day. It is from a few decades back and was written by a Nobel laureate. I particularly found the timely lyrics are "Don't stand in the doorway. Don't block up the hall."  Keep safe. Enjoy!

The Times They are a-changin' -- Bob Dylan

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