Thursday, 2 April 2020

Day 7 - 92 -- (Re)Finding Routine

Day 16 self isolating or hiding from the world -- which ever works for you. I had two phone meetings and a Skype call to work on ongoing projects. In the evening I had two Skype calls with dear friends. It was wonderful to be in touch with several people in one day. It did help with feeling connected even when apart. On the upside, the weather warmed a bit today and we expect rain overnight and tomorrow. It may help to move away some of the ever present snow piles.

My schedule has been all over the place. Working at finding a new usual rhythm has been a huge challenge. It took a year after retirement for me to begin to feel like I had a new normal. Three weeks ago that all changed and continues to change daily. I make to do lists for each day -- manageable lists -- really they are <smile>. Yet, at the end of the day, very little has been done. I work best in the early afternoon, so I need to set aside time after lunch to focus on the writing projects. In the morning I can review new e-mails, check notifications in social media or prepare online grocery orders --things that take less intense brain work. <smile> Later afternoon should be set aside for some form of physical activity -- a walk, tai chi (relearning), yardwork, or house cleaning for stretching and lifting. After dinner would work well to set aside time to view recorded TV programs, to write the blog and to catch up with friends online. Maybe this would help me to develop and to get through a to do list. I expect I'd feel more productive. There will be days when all I want to do is watch movies, listen to music or soak in a war bath. That is OK. Self compassion does not come easily. Practice giving permission to step back at times makes sense. There is enough stress in a day without heaping self loathing and guilt on top of it all. So as many people have told me and I've told many people, "Be kind to yourself." Seems I need to learn to take my own advice. <smile>

The goal that I feel drawn to is to find a regular day -- that new normal will take some time to present itself. Until then, we need something regular to hang on to. The song title and upbeat tempo and melody shared here rattled around in my head today. The lyrics make note to be grateful for the many things we still have in life. I've seen this band live in many settings back in the day. Take care everyone. Enjoy!

Ordinary Day -- Great Big Sea

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