Monday, 27 April 2020

Day 7 - 118 -- Ups and Downs

Looking out the window today shows the sky and much else in a rather flat grey. the forecast shows spring rain mixed with snow for the next 24+ hours. This demonstrates the fluctuations of transition of seasons. People often call the warmer rain 'summer' and the 'snow' winter, but it really is just spring. Fluctuating temperatures are trending warmer. Summer will arrive as it should in the next 8 weeks. Until then, we will have many wonderful blooming plants, shrubs and trees. These help us see the normality of the seasonal change, something I've found quite comforting this year. They also bring hope.

The ups and downs of spring transition is not unlike our attempts at changing habits. Some days work better than others and even some times of day work better for us. Finding a new routine or thought process can be tricky. How we measure success needs to be realistic. It will take time. Some days backsliding will occur. Some days it feels like nothing occurred. Here, we need to be kind to ourselves. Some plans for the day may not be fulfilled, but time is never wasted. We need days where we do less than planned. Brains need time to catch up to the rapid fire changes and differences in day to day living that the pandemic and life have presented to us. Self-flagellation may not be helpful right now <smile>. We would extend understanding to others who need more time to complete tasks than they did a month ago. We need that self understanding some days, too. Show yourself the empathy that you'd show someone else during the ups and downs of productivity.

The song choice today has a wonderful chorus that says what we need to hear when feeling like we failed to get the plan completed today. We all do our best -- that is a superlative, so there isn't anything better than that. So, for those days when the idea of failure creeps in, recognize that we gave it our best for that day. Others may see that we have succeeded over time, but living in the middle of it can obscure our view.  Be kind to you. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Perfect -- Pink

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