Saturday, 25 April 2020

Day 7 - 116 -- Sun and Conversation

We had bright sunshine today. Air temperatures were coolish, but the sun was so warm. I picked up the grocery order, and while waiting in the car in the sun, I had to take off my light jacket. It was warm even with the breeze from the open window. I enjoyed the wait as it provided a good time to reflect.

Once back home, I found a message left on the land line. To my surprise, it was a former professor of mine when I completed my masters degree. I called her back and we had a wonderful visit. Neither of us sent out letters in December, so we had a lot of ground to cover. She called after seeing the televised memorial last night, which reminded her of the people she new in Nova Scotia and her past students from Nova Scotia. What a kind gesture -- just a check in, but it meant so much. Other friends have sent messages of support or 'thinking of you' greetings. These contacts help so much with the process of coming to terms. It gives me hope.

The song for today was chosen for those moments when the hope seems possible. I love this relaxed song and the three voices together on this one blend wonderfully. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Here Comes the Sun -- Paul Simon with Graham Nash and David Crosby

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