Saturday 18 April 2020

Day 7 - 108 -- Feeling Grateful

What are you deeply grateful for today? For me, the moments of joy when I see other people walking or have the opportunity to smile, nod or say thanks when they step out of the way to leave 6 feet between us when we share a narrow sidewalk. Those bits of interaction mean so very much -- just one of those things that I took for granted a short while ago.

Since such tiny connections bring positive feelings for me, perhaps a kindness practice would help others, too. Ways of thanking people whose jobs require that they meet the public daily and those that keep the infrastructure functional -- healthcare, grocery store, pharmacy, and retail personnel; trucking, railway, and air transport workers that keep good moving to where they are needed; production facilities such as flour mills or factories retooling to make PPE; restaurants that switched to take out; farmers, fishers and ranchers providing quality fresh products; to all of these and so many volunteers helping to make the world better for neighbours and friends and stranger -- thank you <smile>. And, to those business that have been forced to close doors temporarily, I wish them well and hope to see them back in business on the other side of this.

At the end of the day, I've challenged myself to reflect back on the day and highlight three things that brought gratitude throughout the day. A focus on the positive may help to see the helpers and good news stories among the panicked messages that seem to be everywhere. There is good out there -- let's look for this and share it with others.
The selection today is a song for those of sue staying home and those working outside the home. The  lyrics have something for all of us from exhaustion to lack of motivation. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Working Joe -- Stan Rogers

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