Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Day 8 - 33 -- Day with Many Names

Today the television news filled with images of rodents purported to forecast the weather. If you believe these critters can predict spring, then the one in Nova Scotia agreed with the one in Ontario. Not seeing their shadows means that spring will arrive sooner than if they saw their shadows. 

The day also marked a cross-quarter day in the calendar -- the point halfway between the equinoxes and solstices. These days marked the start of a new season. In the Celtic calendar, February 2 was called Imbolc. In Christian tradition, the day is Candlemas -- also seen as a day of potential seasonal change. A rhyme about the day went like this --

    "If Candlemas day be fair and bright, winter will have another flight.

     But if it be dark with clouds and rain, winter is gone and will not come again." 

Locally, weather brought snow that transitioned to rain. I shoveled the 6 inches of snow as the transition began. I wanted to move the stuff before it became overly sodden, which feels like moving set cement. As I worked away outside, the rain intensified. Mixed with rain were ice pellets. I could hear them falling, but nothing was freezing to car or sidewalk surfaces. Temperatures will climb overnight as the rain continues. About 1 to 2 inches of rain has been forecast. Sun is expected by afternoon tomorrow as this system moves off eastward. In its wake have been snow, rain and freezing rain from Virginia through the DC, New York corridor and into Quebec, New Brunswick, PEI and Nova Scotia -- Newfoundland and Labrador will be next in its path. Obviously, a large nor'easter. 

I chose to share a song from a movie named after the day. Take care. Enjoy!

I Got You, Babe -- Sonny and Cher


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