Sunday, 7 February 2021

Day 8 - 38 -- What Fresh Hell is This?

 What fresh hell is this? Social media reminded me of the blog post for this date 5 years ago -- titled Tempest Brewing. How fitting <sigh>. A major (spelled in all caps in some weather warnings) nor'easter was headed this way -- just like today <bigger sigh>. Forecasts note 16-22 inches of snow should be expected, though it could be 18-22 inches depending on the way the beast tracks. Last night lesser, but still significant amounts were expected, but from the forecast track the mess of moisture has moved a bit so greater precipitation levels follow. Big winds will be involved overnight so there will be huge drifting potential. Past experience of similar storms makes me expect areas of of the yard to be waist to chest deep snow tomorrow when it finally winds down. I generally remove snow from the porch door in the middle of the such storms. There is still a huge amount there the next day, but it might have been 'huger'. 

I found myself thinking through storms we weather -- meteorological and metaphorical. They are exhausting --- a lot of energy needed. Such processes can leave us feeling off in many ways. Moving snow of this magnitude is physically demanding. Moving through and around thoughts from past, present or future experiences is mentally demanding, which also brings a big physical toll. As with snow removal, I take it slow with many breaks along the way -- some just a minute or two and some of a few hours between all out assaults on the frozen nastiness. Those measured bouts can get us through the larger issue. Again, it takes patience and kindness turned inward in a form of self care. 

An instrumental was chosen to share today. There is a frenetic aspect to the music much like the storm preparations underway today. I headed out for eggs and added milk to the list as I walked to the store. Needless to say, no larger containers of milk were to be found. So, a smaller one will have to do. Eggs were there in abundance. The store was busy with people adding to their pantries and storage areas at home in preparation for a couple of snowed in days. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Storm Warning -- Dr. John

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