A mix of experiences today made for some ups and downs. An online store showed the product I wanted was out of stock. A phone call to the store told me things were in stock there. I made a trip out to the store only to discover when I was almost there that I had left the house without a mask. How that happened is unknown. I have many of them right by the front door and generally have a bag with several in my book bag. Today -- nothing <sigh>. So, that meant a walk back over the icy sidewalks, giving preference to the road when closer to home. After an afternoon meeting, I headed out again -- fully prepared this time. I found what I wanted and chatted with the sales associate about the errors on the store website. Also, setting an online meeting created some new difficulties this week. Different issues seem to arise each time this process is attempted. It makes a 2 minute process turn into 10 <smile>.
Overall, the ups and downs of the day netted out on the 'up' side. That may have something to do with my mood upon waking today. A planned cooking procedure will wait until tomorrow as will the removal of snow from the back porch. The day was not a wash out, even though multiple attempts to complete plans took more time than desired. The outcome is positive. I was asked once why I made a 'to do' list and what I put on it. I tried to explain that crossing off completed items helped me to see that something was done. I also noted that some of the things on a lengthy list for the weekend were more 'wish list' items. I didn't expect to get it all done. In fact, things were prioritized by day -- which two had to happen Saturday and which ones needed to be done by Sunday. The remaining list then becomes one for the coming week. As time moves forward, some items are deleted and replaced by other items. So, the list does contain 'have to do' tasks as well as 'nice to do' items. Perhaps I do this so that I remember some things that need doing when I get caught up in serendipitous activities instead. Perhaps, it is to keep me from becoming overwhelmed by the large number of things waiting to be done -- or demanding to be done NOW. <smile> Deleting tasks took me some time to accept. I was not ready to do some of the items, so needed to give myself permission to move things to the next weekend list -- to realize there was more to do than could be comfortably done in the time period given.
This morning the Canadian Songwriters' Hall of Fame welcomed the newest member -- Dan Hill. The award, which was presented via Zoom not in person, was engraved with Hill's lyrics, "I'm only a writer trapped within my truth." This lyric is from a song for which Hill won 2 Junos -- Best album that contained the song and Songwriter of the year for the song. I'll share this song with you all today. Stay safe. Enjoy!
Sometimes When We Touch -- Dan Hill
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