Sunday, 14 February 2021

Day 8 - 44 -- Star Gazing

 Much sun appeared between clouds today. I swept the dusting of snow off the porches and stairs to avoid slipping if there were any ice under that layer. Today was laundry day, which entails lots of activity changing linens and heading up and down stairs between loads -- my exercise for the day, it seems <smile>. In between spurts of activity, I paid bills and caught up on e-mail. The latter included a few government and professional surveys that allowed me to add my experiences to a research project and provide opinions for policy development. The evening brought a clear night sky with all the stars visible for a change. I stood on the front porch and then the back porch looking into the northern and southern skies. That felt so peaceful -- for that moment. When I came in to take off boots and such as I stood up I banged my head on the front door knob and got a huge lump instantly. It hurt a lot and I must have yelled since my throat hurt a bit and the furry one came up to me to check me out. He is wonderful that way -- always running to see if I'm OK if I stub my toe or bump my elbow -- anytime I say 'ow'. <smile>  That is comforting. 

While watching the sky tonight a couple of song lyrics played in my head. One was chosen since the description stars watching over us in their orderly spacing across the sky feels somewhat comforting. These celestial bodies provide some degree of constancy during the upheavals we are living through.Stars are always there.  I chose this version due to the amazing voice of the singer. It can bring me near tears when I listen. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Stars -- Phillip Quast (Les Miserables) 

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