Friday, 19 February 2021

Day 8 - 50 -- Off Colour Snow

When shoveling the snow from two weeks ago, I discovered some bits that were yellow tinged. Earlier in the day I had watched a female husky playing on the piles of snow and then ducking in behind some bushes in my front yard -- that is where the coloured snow appeared. I haven't seen the husky before that day when she was out for a walk with her person. Flash forward to today, walking down the shoveled part of my walkway, I discovered a large patch of yellow snow. This was right beside an area covered with deer pellets. Now today, this was from a wonderful golden Great Pyrenees who loves to plow snow in my front yard. That wasn't possible today due to the frozen ice and snow that covers the yard. He is a lovely boy. We chat as friends whenever I go for a walk. And yes, the deer are back in my front yard and chowing down on the yew trees again. <sigh> I haven't seen them but their scat and hoof prints can be seen all over the front yard. We are expecting more snow overnight and through tomorrow. That will provide more snow to move. Also, it will cover the offending 'evidence' in the yard. <smile> 

I giggled both times I encountered the off colour snow and song lines ran through my head. I'll share the song here tonight. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Don't Eat the Yellow Snow -- Frank Zappa 


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