Saturday, 6 February 2021

Day 8 - 35 -- Adapting

I woke to socked in cloud this morning. I drove out to one appointment, then went for a walk. The greyness of the day with a bit of wind seemed a bit of a downer, but the above freezing temps made for a pleasant walk out and back. Along the way, I stopped for a takeout lunch. Sadly, the main menu item I wanted was not available. So, I headed home to make my own lunch. <smile> Late in the afternoon, I had a great chat with a friend. Laughter always helps lighten the day. Today technology wasn't playing well with others, so we moved the virtual visit to the phone. 

Today showed me again, that things don't always go according to plans or wants.It also emphasized that problem solving can provide similar end points or expectations -- not identical but quite doable. Adaptability and a bit of a positive viewpoint often can get us further. Each of the experiences today were approached with a degree of calm so an alternative became clear. This calmness surprises me some days. I can expect myself to react with frustration, even when that isn't the way things always go. <smile> I'm not sure why I feel surprised with myself when an undisturbed approach happens often -- more often actually. That expectation may need to be explored more closely. <smile>

The song chosen for today celebrates the 79th birthday of the singer-songwriter, which occurred earlier this week. It is song about an ordinary day and the calmness of home. I chose this version since it showed the songwriter singing at the birthday of another singer-songwriter back in 2018. It seemed fitting to use this one to celebrate a different birthday. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Our House -- Graham Nash

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