Thursday, 7 September 2023

10-250 (7/9/23) -- Misty Hills

This was a very busy day. The alarm woke me at 545AM. I had an early physio appointment today. After this, I ran a list of errands. For the first (and likely last) time, I was waiting in the mall parking lot for Canadian Tire to open at 8 AM. Anyone who knows me will agree that this sort of thing is not commonplace. I visited five places. I was home just before lunch. A good friend came by and we virtually attended a professional association meeting together, while having a light lunch. We also had some time to get caught up on our recent activities. We haven't had our usual weekly check in for a couple of weeks. 

The weather provided variety today. There was fog when I left early this morning. This was followed by rain, drizzle, sunshine and then more clouds. The next two or three days will be hot with major humidity. Feel like temperatures are forecast to be 37C (98F) with actual temperatures sitting about 28C (82F). I can feel the humidity inside and outside. The dehumidifier has been running a lot today and will for the next few days. Then cloud and rain are expected. I did enjoy the mist on the hills this morning. It gave an ethereal quality to the earliness of the morning. A song title seemed to fit some of my thought about the fog and drizzle today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Through the Mists of Time -- AC/DC


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