Sunday, 29 October 2023

10-282 (10/10/23) -- Drizzle & Soup

Today was very quiet. I had a better appetite than yesterday, so I made some simple vegetable and noodle soup with packaged broth. It seemed to fit the coolness of the day. Drizzle made things feel even colder than the actual temperature. We did get some sunshine between clouds in the late afternoon, so there may be hope for a nicer day tomorrow. 

Feeling cold in the house had me trying the new-to-me heating system. There are baseboard heaters, but the heat pump is the main cooling and heating device in the open concept area of the place. It did heat things nicely. The noise will take some getting used to -- just like moving to a new place out west where every forced air furnace sounded different. With time, I will be able to sleep through the noise of the current system, too. 

The song chosen for today deals with the weather of the day. I love the harmonies by this group. This song has a peaceful sound with some sad feel to the lyrics. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Cold Rain -- Crosby, Stills and Nash

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