Saturday 4 May 2024

11-124 (3/5/24) -- Customer Service?

It has been another day of extreme fatigue. I woke earlier than I'd hoped with a customer service check after the tire change yesterday. I may have to tell them that I value these chances to speak to the service received, but that I'd prefer they ask me later in the day. <smile>  

Buckle up for a bit of a rant. <smile>

I went to get groceries before noon for a change. I continue to be frustrated with the store reward program that seems to show offers online that don't show up when checking out. Then I go to look for them online after shopping and they are no longer in the lengthy list of offers. At least the points for most products purchased today were provided this week. For the past three visits, points were "not loaded" when I had loaded them more than once just to make sure. <grump> So, I stopped before leaving the store to check if the reduced price offers had gone through and two had not, so I just returned the items at customer service. The service rep strongly suggested that I do it all through the store app as it automatically loads everything and getting cost reductions at customer service if the system missed them is easier to do if I can show them on my phone. My question then is why is there an email system? If people don't have a smart phone or data, then they need something else. So I ask again -- shouting into the void -- why can't they get the email system to function. I've been told to use the app by the tech people when I've called to complain about the flakiness of the points and offers that seem to disappear into the ether somewhere on the trip between my house and the store. The price of food is bad enough, but the personalized sales get us in the store and then abandon us. I'm ready to buy far less at the stores -- which won't hurt their bottom lines, but I can only vote with my feet. Sadly, we only have two stores in town and they each carry items that the other does not -- and those are often the items I'm searching for on the shelves. So, total avoidance of one conglomerate over another is not likely. <sigh> Thus today, I bit the bullet and downloaded the app providing them with the minimum of information and with notifications turned off. 

Thinking of the repeated failures of the online system, I'm not sure that I expect the app to actually function. Scrolling through the pages is a pain. The web page laid out the offers nicely on a page. Here they look totally different, not just the layout. My reaction was negative to all the frustrations today. It will take some time to figure out the offers provided each week on the app. I expect that I'll miss some along the way. <sigh> I understand that things change with time and as technology brings new ways to do old things. I guess, some days I just think staying the same might not be so bad. 

Thanks for hanging in with curmudgeonly little me through this rant. Customer service seemed to fail me today in a few ways. It wasn't the people in the positions, it was the system within which they work that bothered me. I just want things to work for me. <smile> A song title and chorus came to mind as pondering the interactions with customer service. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

I Want it All -- Queen 

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