Saturday 4 May 2024

11-125 (4/5/24) -- Solemn Anniversary

May the Fourth be with you! It is Intergalactic Star Wars Day. It is interesting that fandom and the spread of the movies and spinoffs has made such an impact globally. I'll admit to seeing all of the movies -- original, prequels and sequels. Obviously some are better than others, but each one adds to the story lines. I must search the TV channels to see which they are playing this weekend. 

The song choice for today comes from a less festive historical event from this calendar date. On May 4, 1970, four students at Kent State protesting the expanded US involvement in Vietnam, were shot and killed by the National Guard. The disturbing nature of this event led to the writing of the song shared here today. The songwriter is Canadian and the song became a hit for one of the groups he was in back in the day. I've added a second song today, one that focuses on peace. One of the students killed had said to a National Guardsman that "flowers are better than bullets." This story inspired James Lee Stanley to write this second selection.  For the 50th anniversary of these killings, a newspaper writer wrote a 6-part history of the days leading up to the shootings. The section telling the story of Allison Krause, one of the students killed, and the young women who spoke of flowers vs. bullets,  can be found at the following link. Kent State Stories

 Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Ohio -- Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young

Flowers for the Living -- James Lee Stanley

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