Thursday 16 May 2024

11-135 (14/5/24) -- Seeing Small Things

We've had the second sunny day in a row complete with double digit daytime highs. <yay> I took out the garbage and recycling last night after 8 PM with full sun. I find it amazing that such things seem to sneak up on you. Days extend slowly, so noticing day-to-day changes isn't that easy. We recognize the demonstrable changes with major changes or over a longer comparative time period. When walking, I've tried to notice daily changes --  plant growth, quality of sunlight, bird calls, and such. Yet, some tiny changes can be missed. Using our senses can help us to situate ourselves in the world around us. We can pay attention to the world as well as notice small changes in ourselves. Recognizing the many small things in our days can impact our bodies and minds -- often leaving us feeling more centered and relaxed. So, add a little walk into your day and take it all in. 

A phrase from the opening line of a song lyric came to mind today. It just fit my thinking well. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Annie's Song -- John Denver

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