Tuesday 21 May 2024

11-142 (21/5/24) -- Super!

The day was filled with bright sunshine, blue sky and warmer temperatures than we've had yet this year -- firmly into the mid-20s C. It was perfect for a short walk while getting the mail this afternoon. I watered the plants on the patio. The flowering annuals are a delight -- such great vivid colours. 

I headed out for some groceries -- great sales at one place. I got two items not on major discount. The rest were clearly loss leaders -- prices that don't provide a profit for the retailer. I di not feel badly buying those items and little else. With the member pricing and the sales 'exclusive' to me, I saved $38 with the discounts on the regular price (and it has been at that price for weeks if not months). Some points with the value of $1 were provided for no apparent reason. Perhaps they are being more discount oriented with the boycott of some larger retail grocery chains. We have few options in town with just two major chains and one discount retailer. 

On my way home after stopping at chain #2 for four items, I laughed out loud. There on the sidewalk walking up the hill on this gorgeous day was Spiderman -- well it could have been someone in full costume, but I couldn't ascertain it it was the real superhero or an imposter. He was striding with confidence and not drawing attention with waving or anything. Most interesting. I reminded me of the time when in New Orleans a colleague and I were at the small grocery store in the Quarter and had a rare sighting of the Wizard on a bike. He was a local character we had heard of, but never expected to see. I have not heard of other sightings of Spiderman, but may not be plugged into the right circles these days. <smile> 

Driving home I laughed again when I thought of the song that I share here. It fit the day and the sighting and a favourite from bygone days. The psychedelic nature of the song also fit the strangeness of what I saw on the sidewalk.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Sunshine Superman -- Donovan 

superman walking up the street --

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