Tuesday 21 May 2024

11-141 (20/5/24) -- A Pop of Colour

The day celebrates Queen Victoria's birthday -- our first long weekend of the warmer weather time of year. My neighbours flew the union Jack instead of the maple leaf in honour of the day. I went to get small planters to put on the patio, close to the doors so I can see them from the kitchen. I found a wonderful deep pink gerbera daisy looking thing and a planter with deep purple pansies, alyssum and a dusty miller-like plant in the centre. They look great and make me smile. I also picked up some herbs and will go back for tomatoes when those are back in stock in a week or so. 

Growing plants can be very gratifying. The flowers and fruits and foliage all provide a sense of accomplishment and being at one with nature. I enjoy watching them grow and change daily. I have a small space for container gardening. Some perennials have begun to sprout after being in the garage over the winter. It is amazing that they continue to grow each year -- a sign of resiliency.  

The chorus of a song fit nicely with my garden pondering today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Let it Grow -- Eric Clapton


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