Saturday 11 May 2024

11-129 (8/5/24) -- Key Players Change

Today I met with a new health care provider who is filling in for the regular person for a couple of months. The appointment went well -- different but workable. The rhythms and such are different, but will feel more comfortable as things move forward.  While pondering this change I realized that this week has contained more change in what I expected to be a less busy week -- and it is only Wednesday <smile>. 

Getting used to new health care practitioners has been happening a lot. Several have retired recently, making it all feel a bit unstable -- the same offices, but different, unknown players. Being retired myself, I feel the need for more stability and consistency in heath care. The loss of people who had my whole history in their heads makes care feel more tenuous -- like I need to carry my file with me. <sigh> Key players have been the same for almost 25 years. The many new faces all in a short time has been daunting. I am glad to have access to these professionals as many people don't have a regular doctor, dentist or nurse practitioner. 

Thinking of the number of new faces in my health care circle brought a song to mind -- for its title more than anything, but some lines fit my feelings about 'losing' these health professionals. The vocals have a different tonal quality that fits the renaissance feel of the production. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

New Faces -- The Rolling Stones

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