Saturday 11 May 2024

11-130 (9/5/24) -- Flexibility & Resilience

Overnight it poured rain that was often driven against the house by strong wind gusts. The wind weakened into the day, but the rain continued -- sometimes light and sometimes heavy. I went out to complete two disparate errands. I needed to print a document for review for a meeting next week. I also needed to get milk. There were several other things that needed attention, but due to the rain, I had no interest in walking through it any more than necessary. So, the other tasks got pushed into the list for tomorrow. 

Throughout the week so far, the common theme has been change, often with moving activities from one day to another or from one time to another. I don't recall the last time each day in a week had several tasks moved or canceled. Interesting. Perhaps the universe is trying to tell me to brush up on my flexibility -- like a giant physio exercising my brain. 

While the song shared today was written for a very different scenario, it uses the metaphor of a tree to illustrate flexibility and resilience. That fit well with some of the thoughts I had while pondering the regularity of changes this past week. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Little Willow -- Paul McCartney

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