Sunday 26 May 2024

11-143 (22/5/24) -- Technology Growth

Just as I prepared to leave the house, I received an automated phone reminder from the MD's office about an appointment time. The message missed some key information like how to contact the office about the appointment time. Searching online brought no phone number or any contact information. So, I stopped by the office before my other meeting today. I got the appointment information straightened out and asked for a card with phone number. Interestingly, the new MD and business name still use my former MD's phone number. Odd that this didn't show up anywhere online, though. I provided them with feedback on the contact information and the automated calling that needed message completeness. They are also beginning to use an AI scribe to record all in office appointments -- unless one chooses not to allow it, of course. I have a number of questions about the program that they will be using, though. Where does the recorded data go -- do the cloud and server farms remain within Canada? There are several other questions that I will discuss at the next appointment I book.  So -- they are bringing new e-methods to the practice, which is cool. Ensuring that these things protect privacy is a must, though.  

 Social discourse about AI have focused more on the the potential negative aspects. Many positive outcomes of AI use exist, though the negatives seem to capture people's attention most. That is human nature -- focus on the things we fear rather than looking at positive things. A 1968 film highlighted the negative aspects of computer programs that learn and move toward sentience. I couldn't help hearing Hal's voice today as it said, "I can't do that Dave."  The selection for the day came from that comment. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Also Sprach Zarathustra -- 2001:A Space odyssey theme (1968)  -- composed by Richard Strauss (1896) 


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