Tuesday 21 May 2024

11-140 (19/5/24 -- Long Weekend?

Today, I took things easy at home. Outside was cloudy and gloomy looking. I took time to edit the document I've been working on for a few days. That, along with a short list of questions to discuss at the meeting this week, were completed and sent off by mid-afternoon. I then made some chai and relaxed with a movie. <smile> 

When speaking with the pharmacist today, I noted that tomorrow is a holiday. He'd forgotten that. I stated that for those of us who are retired or work seven days a week, long weekends aren't as noticeable as when in a 9 to 5 Monday to Friday job. We both laughed at the truth in that thought. It got me thinking about time and the perception of 'found' time when there is a long weekend. Locally, people open up their summer cottages on this weekend. Others have the first barbecue of the season  (apologies to those for whom this is actually grilling <grin>). When working, I always tried to take one day and just do nothing -- well nothing that qualified as work or a chore. I might read, watch a movie, or visit with friends. Since retiring, I find that most long weekends aren't any different than other days. In fact, weekends have a different meaning and feel, too. To be honest, I have driven to the grocery store on holidays when the store is actually closed. That is how out of touch I feel at times <smile>. 

The song shared today firmly places the weekend in the fun zone and the rest of the week as drudgery. I always found that a bit sad -- much of one's life is spent focused on two days or the precious three day weekends. That always seemed to be a waste. This song fit part of my ponderings. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Kings of the Weekend -- blink-182

song about weekend?? or what day is it? 


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