Tuesday 23 July 2024

11-205 (23/7/24) -- Saying Farewell

A late morning event was held on campus to say farewell to a colleague. He is leaving for a sister university where he will be in a position that is higher that his current one. This VP has built a strong research support office with a solid strategic plan in place. I always felt that he was on my side when I needed advice or support for a project. The turnout was large given it was a nice summer day <smile>. He has been well regarded by admin an faculty alike and he will be missed. I enjoyed chatting with a number of people that I don't see very often -- some still working and some retired. One retired history professor in particular was great to see. He has encouraged me in the history work I've been doing over the past decade. 

With that start to the day, I headed to the grocery store to buy more than usual. I tried to replace some of the things lost with the power outage and freezer failure. Most things were not on sale, but there was an offer for 10% 'off' in points with a larger spend. I had no difficulty getting to that point. <sigh> 

At the event this morning, one speaker used a few lines from songs to express her feelings over the imminent departure of our colleague. One song spoke to not recognizing something you have until it leaves. She said the songwriter had the concept backwards, at least in this case. We know what we are losing. I felt the lyric also fits with my start at replacing lost food items, too. So, I chose that song to share today. This cover version is great. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Big Yellow Taxi -- Counting Crows

Monday 22 July 2024

11-204 (22/7/24) -- Being Productive

We had a research meeting about the manuscript. I spent a chunk of the afternoon working on the edits.-We're almost at the end for this main  piece. Other bits will need to be completed as the edits are merged with other files -- blinded and unblinded -- for reviewers. Lots of picky details that take far longer than they should <grin> 

I also spent an hour or more dealing with the items that had thawed in the freezer last week. I wrapped everything in paper before placing in the green compost bin that goes to the curb tonight. I will place a heavy bag of garbage on top of the bin to try to deter wildlife wanting to get at the stuff. Hopefully that will help somewhat and the critters don't knock it over for a feast in the night. It would be bad enough to clean up off my lawn, but I have to put my bin on the lawn of the folks across the street since the new waste management company for the county only drives down one side of the road <sigh>. How mortifying if I have to clear yucky stuff off their lawn. <fingers crossed> that won't be an issue. 

While getting some important things completed this afternoon and early evening, I came across a social media post from a retired news journalist. I like reading his posts. The post from the weekend was different. It celebrated a blue grass singer with multiple Grammy's to her credit. Only Beyonce has more of these awards. The singer she is currently touring with is none other than a rock icon from Led Zeppelin. Now there is a pairing, eh? The link provided in the social media post was to what NPR terms a Tiny Desk Concert. I share that with you today. I found it quite relaxing. Don't worry about the term concert. This is about 11 minutes of calm in your day. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

NPR Tiny Desk Concert -- Robert Plant & Allison Kraus


Sunday 21 July 2024

11-203 (21/7/24) -- Escalating Craziness

Life and the world have been throwing things at me with increasing regularity. The result has been escalating anxiety. Today was no different. I have limited my access to news media for some time. This helps regain control from the news reports that go beyond the facts and move into stress-inducing conjecture. Today I read a cryptic social media message that pushed me to check the news. It became impossible to just get the headline facts when visiting a news site. So, that pushed me into a state of OMG. 

I have encountered varying responses to this stress in others. Some go for gallows humour while others acknowledge the fear that can overtake a person. Fear of the unknown has been running amok recently. Way too many ripples in the pond. I was sitting for a break this afternoon, and a song came on the TV. It fit the anxiety I have and have seen all around me. The version shared is a cover of the original.  Keep safe. Enjoy!

Mama Weer All Crazee Now -- Quiet Riot

Saturday 20 July 2024

11-201 (19/7/24) -- Music Calms

On my outing to check mail, I found none. I still went for a walk around the block. It felt very humid but not as hot as previous days. I worked on edits for the manuscript that will be sent to a journal for consideration. It took a lot of time. Frustration reigns with vision difficulties that make their presence known more when eyes get fatigued. That length of time is less than it was before surgery, but things should improve with time. I just don't have a lot of patience. I'm tired of not seeing clearly up close. I have to remind myself that near vision has always been where I had clear vision. With new lenses, vision is more like what other people experience -- needing reading glasses after middle-age changes. I need prescription lenses for this to be be doable. I want to read a book again. I need to do online writing and manuscript reading while using two eyes instead of trading off between eyes. I need to be able to thread a needle to do the quilting project and for the minor mending that sits in wait. By the end of the typing work for the day, I had a headache and my eyes were dry and tired feeling. 

Now don't get me wrong. I love the distance vision that allows me to walk and drive and such. That I haven't had clearly for some time. The far distance, I likely never had. Once the current 'settling in' phase is complete, I will be able to get glasses that should help with close up work. That will be another month. Again, I have to practice patience, but that isn't very easy. <smile> 

Today is Brian May's 77th birthday. Dr. May has a PhD is astrophysics, but is best known for his exceptional guitar work with Queen. I listened to a lot of songs for this one, which helped me to feel a bit calmer.  It was difficult to choose a song or even two, but I finally settled on two -- well, two and a bonus. <grin> The first is an early song from the 1970s -- ahead of its time. The second is interesting. The guitar plays the 'verses' and the singer fills in the breaks. Very cool. The video for this one is from the  tribute to Mercury.  The Bonus shows May playing for the Queen's 60th Jubilee celebration -- on the roof of Buckingham Palace. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Stone Cold Crazy -- Queen 


Bijou -- Brian May & Freddie Mercury (Queen) 

Bonus: Brian May on Roof of Buckingham Palace (60th Jubilee year of QEII) 

11-202 (20/7/24) -- Mood Music

Another Saturday. Where does the time go? I spoke about how time moves so quickly.  It reminded me that I was told that it only gets faster as the years fly by. I guess that supports the messages I've had from others about experiencing every moment and trying not to wish the time away. Some days this is easier to do than other days. 

A song kept running through my mind today. It is very upbeat and the lyrics give a call out to enjoy the time. The rhythm makes me want to dance. Moving can help to improve mood, so this song might help with that, too. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Hey Tonight -- Creedence Clearwater Revival

11-200 (18/7/24) -- Working Through

Anxiety was shouting in my face again today. I had a good chat with someone who has also lived with this unwanted guest for most of their life. I headed up to campus to do printing and scanning of a document to send to admin. I also spoke with the IT desk to get the office laptop functioning well again. The machine has not started on campus other than by wifi. All such computers have to do a hard-wired start every few months. It is a security thing, I know, but it is frustrating. There is a way around it with some further software. I will chat with them some day to get that all functional. 

In the early evening major rain arrived. The downpour lasted for 15 minutes but was extremely loud on the roof. I guess I'm still getting used to the sounds in this newer place. With time, I'm sure. <smile> 

A friend shared a cover of a favourite song of mine. I enjoyed the delivery of an iconic rock song. I share that here today. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Bohemian Rhapsody -- The Ten Tenors

11-199 (17/7/24) -- Loud Storm

Another power outage. <sigh> It flickered on and off a few times the neighbours tell me. I woke to an appliance chime when the power came back. I'm not sure what is up. It might have been a brief outage while they were resetting something on the wider node. Who knows? The return of power was followed by a loud thunder-storm with major rain. It did not last long, but was frighteningly loud as it passed. So, with a start to the day like that, I wasn't sure where the anxiety might lead. 

I went out to check the mail and do a walk around the block. I'd hoped the walking might help me to feel less stressed, but it didn't. A nap made me feel less fatigued, but the anxiety remained high. There is much to think about these days that plays right into the hands of anxiety. Recently, I was explaining that this is not 'my" anxiety as I have never invited it to live with me. I realized that it feels much like the television commercial about a product to eradicate fleas. A giant flea is sitting on the couch between the can and the human. It insists that if they just met they'd be such good friends. Anxiety is like that -- trying to convince me that we should be friends. I refuse to give it that power. I'd like to lock it in the attic like problematic family members we read about in stories from the Victorian era. <smile> 

The selection today takes me back to the short, loud storm that rolled through this morning. I like the underlying message of this one. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Thunder -- Imagine Dragons

11-198 (16/4/24) -- A Great Thaw

My outing today was to fill the car with gasoline and buy groceries -- whew everything is so expensive. <sigh>. Later when I went out to the garage to get something for supper, I discovered the deep freeze had not restarted when the power was restored yesterday. I unplugged and plugged it in again. Thankfully, it started. The bread products, fruits and vegetables should be OK. The protein based products are another story. I removed them all and placed things in a single garbage bag that went back into the freezer.  The garbage pick up was this morning. If I'd looked last night, all those items could have gone out right away. Now they will be frozen until the pick up next week when I can put it all in the green bin. 

I will need to restock the meats and frozen combos, most of which had been purchased on sale. The turkey breast with bone in was purchased when I saw it, since this item is difficult to find with any regularity. I didn't have gobs of stuff, but enough to keep me going for a while. Luckily, I had put the chicken breasts in the fridge freezer, so at least I have those for now. Other meat, fish and poultry will need to be purchased when things go on sale again <fingers crossed>. 

A song title line came through my mind as I checked the freezer before heading to bed tonight, to see how cold it was getting. Things were still only approaching cool. <sigh> Not the feel I was going for. Fingers crossed for tomorrow morning -- then I can sing the line to the freezer.  I really don't want to go through the hassle of buying (pay the price  or one day you'll pay <grin>) a replacement right now. <sigh>.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Cold as Ice -- Foreigner


11-197 (15/7/24) -- Powerless

This morning I had a meeting with a research colleague for an hour when the power went out in mid- sentence. I called the front desk and was told it would be out until 2:15-ish. At 2:30, I called the power company and was told it would be 5 pm. The cell phone was close to being out of power and the laptop had been charging when power went out. I headed to campus to find a place with available power and power outlets so I could recharge there. I visited with a friend while recharging. Power was restored by the time I got home. I made an early supper quickly, in case the power went out again. Very little trust in that system today <sigh> 

I was surprised that the power outage caused a spike in anxiety. I found myself pacing -- a good way to get rid of nervous energy. I had planned to work on the edits to the manuscript for journal publication. I thought of other things that I could do to occupy the time without electricity. I made a cold lunch that was different from the usual -- wasabi tuna salad sandwich with yogurt and grapes. I'd made a cup of tea for the meeting that was still warmish. Cold tea is OK, just the lukewarm stuff that is problematic to me. I thought that I could clean the floors, but then the steam cleaner requires electricity. I couldn't watch TV or listen to music without electricity. Wifi was down, so no online work. Data could help, but the phone was nearing the end of a charge. It seemed that anything that I thought of needed power. We do rely on it a lot, don't we? 

The day made me feel out of control, without the power to do much except try to charge devices. The powerless feeling left me thinking of how to regain some of the power -- to become empowered again. A few lines from a song come to mind when I feel this way. I share this song today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Brave -- Sarah Bareilles 

Sunday 14 July 2024

11-196 (14/7/24) -- Pain Therapy

Today I had very sore neck and shoulder. A heating pad was applied even when it is still excessively hot and humid. Heat helped to relax some of the spasms and an analgesic helped with the pain, too. So, a slower day than planned -- as in less done than desired. <sigh> Shoulder and neck tension often result from stress and anxiety. Gee -- I wonder where that comes from? <sigh> It can be the body response as it prepares to face a perceived physical threat -- getting ready to fight or flee. 

Out in the patio mini-garden, one of the cherry tomatoes is beginning to change colour! So very cool. There are many more that are green and growing so will not change colour for a little bit longer. Still many flowers. The three types of basil look good. We have used the fresh leaves in making sauce, margarita pizza and caprese salad. Very yummy. I love making a chiffonade cut with the basil. This method stacks several whole leaves and then rolls them tightly.. Cuts are made at a right angle to the roll, resulting in long very narrow strips of the herb. I prefer this process over chopping since it releases the flavour and leaves larger pieces when chewing. Give it a try if you haven't already. Today I used it for caprese and a veggie pizza. Tending the plants and cooking seemed to help with the pain a bit. 

I chose a song for the title, which states how I feel today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Haven't got Time for the Pain -- Carley Simon

11-195 (13/7/24) -- Doing the Math

Another Saturday come and gone. This one was hot again but humidity feels slightly less than it has been -- still there, but I could breathe when I tended the patio garden. I also did the requisite weekend laundry. <smile>  

Today, I was able to connect virtually with the high school reunion just as everyone was getting settled for the catered dinner. It was such fun to see people and get to say hello to some of them via video feed. Now, none of my degrees is in math, so I'm convinced that someone did the math wrong when it comes to how long ago we graduated <grin>. When I looked at all the faces, I recognized many, but there were several old people that didn't look familiar at all. It is possible that some of those folks were the plus-ones for graduates. Now, when I look in the mirror, I don't see an old person. Interesting that. But seeing a room full of us, made me reconsider my conviction that the reunion year was not off by a decade or two. <smile>  

Thirty-nine years ago on this date, LiveAID began in London and Philadelphia. It was a huge charity concert held on two continents and broadcast across the globe. Phil Collins performed in London and then caught the Concord and performed later in Philadelphia. Another first. A great sum of money was donated to address the famine in Ethiopia in 1985. Geldof spear-headed the event and the delivery of food stuffs to northern Ethiopia.  The song for the day comes from that globally transmitted concert.  Also, I'd suggest watching the full session by Queen -- Freddie at his best and one of their last major performances.

Let it Be -- Paul McCartney ft. David Bowie, Alison Moyet, Pete Townsend, & Bob Geldof 


11-194 (12/7/24) -- Milestone Years

I realized late last night that yesterday marked one year living in the new place. Wow! I still have nothing on the walls and boxes left to unpack and others to repack for storage in garage. There is no air conditioning in the garage, but the front room still needs some attention so I guess I start there. <sigh> 

I watched a live feed from my high school reunion. I didn't get there due to the eye procedure done this week. Tonight was the meet and greet night. Two poems written for the event were read by the authors. Another classmate read a list of people from our year who are no longer with us. They had notes from some of the group who couldn't attend that were out for people to read. Many photos have been posted to the reunion site. All of this helps me to feel a part of the process even though from a long distance. 

I decided to chose a song from back in the day to post here today. This was not an easy task. I ended up choosing a random number and matching it to a song from a lengthy listing. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Rebel, Rebel -- David Bowie

Thursday 11 July 2024

11-193 (11/7/24) -- Tropical Air

The heat and humidity continue. Today, thought, much cloud cover was present --cloudy, but warm and humid still. By evening, rain began. Heavier rain will arrive into the later evening with lighter rain overnight. This system comes from the remaining energy from Beryl. That certainly explains the tropical feel to the air. 

I watched a couple of movies and tried to do some further computer work -- little actually accomplished on that front. I felt a bit down today, so couldn't get myself into the swing of things that need to be done and that I'd like to do. A meeting was rescheduled from tomorrow into next week, so I could try to tackle the list of things then. 

I chose a song to share part of which floated around in my head this week. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Heat Wave -- Martha and the Vandellas


11-192 (10/7//24) -- Mysterious Evening

May be sounding like a stuck record, but it is hot and humid again. I made a brief outing to grocery store for a few items. In the afternoon, I worked with the laptop screen to do some writing but stopped before eyes got too tired. There is more clarity of vision today, too. 

This evening I went to a play with friends. It was an innovative story with modern day female characters taking on Sherlock Holmes sleuthing. Excellent character development and dialogue were presented from playwright and delivered by the four actors. It was a little long and had a central portion that seemed a bit lost in the weeds. With some judicious editing, this could be tighter. Overall, there were many laughs -- something I needed today. 

The song shared today deals with mystery -- fitting well with the play this evening. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Magical Mystery Tour -- The Beatles

11-191 (9/7/24) -- Heat Advisory

Well, it was hotter today than yesterday and tomorrow is to be even hotter. I guess that makes this region one of the areas where the heat advisory will be longer than two days <sigh>. It cools reasonably overnight, but remains quite humid. I spent the day searching for supporting research articles for the paper revisions, clearing emails, and rested eyes a bit. Things are still a bit blurry, but better than yesterday. 

The heat warning continues today. It feels hotter than yesterday. The direct sun is hot and strong. No clouds to block it momentarily. The humidity makes the feel like temperature nearly unbearable. The heat pump inside helps a lot. 

A few lines from a song came to mind today. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Heat Wave -- Ella Fitzgerald

11-190 (8/7/24) -- Thunder & Lasers

Today I had a procedure done. Lasers in eyes feels rather counter-intuitive. The ophthalmologist said that things should get clearer over the next couple of days. Today was nice and  sunny until heading home when we had 10-15 minutes of rain -- major rain that sounded like hail with the huge drops. Thankfully, it was a localized thunderstorm cell. It was hot and humid as we drove away from Halifax, which is on the ocean and thus a bit cooler. As we headed home through the hill, temperatures climbed and the humidity grew. The heat advisory should be in place for another day and maybe two days in 'some areas' -- forecasters couldn't be more specific as to where. 

A line from a song chorus came to mind when we encountered the rain and saw thunder storm clouds off in the distance as we drove home. I loved this album. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Dreams -- Fleetwood Mac


Sunday 7 July 2024

11-188 (6/7/24) -- Needing Focus

Saturday -- my laundry day. Outside was fairly rainy with cooler temperatures. I spent a while typing two items that need to be out like yesterday. <sigh> I let them sit for a while as I made some supper. I sent one out today and the other will go out tomorrow. It may need a bit of polishing first. I feel like things are moving very slowly these days. I seem to be scattered more and focus is a challenge. At least I got the laundry done. <smile> 

A song came to mind about finding a focus while dealing with feeling overwhelmed with work and stuff. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Focused -- John Legend

11-189 (7/7/24) -- Early to Bed ...

The day was grey with bits of rain. Humidity was major and made things feel less pleasant. I did two errands -- one a purchase of food for the furry one since the delivery was delayed beyond where our supply will end. No explanation as to why the thing is sitting about three hours drive down the highway and not getting on another truck to get closer to here. <sigh> Delivery generally occurs over two or three days from ordering. This one will be seven days! Crazy.  I completed a couple of things at home to be ready for a day trip tomorrow. I always carry a bag with change of clothes, jacket and such. Must be the Girl Guide in me just being prepared. 

I hope to head to bed and to sleep earlier than usual tonight. This will help with the earlier rising tomorrow. This calls for a lullaby or two. This duet fits the bill well -- two of my favourite voices. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

You Can Close Your Eyes -- James Taylor & Joni Mitchell 

11-187 (5/7/24) -- Third Time the Charm

The day began with an early visit to the dental office for a cleaning. It was the third appointment and visit to be able to actually have the procedure completed. It was canceled once, rebooked (with the wrong date communicated) and then today -- the correct date. The office is in the midst of major changes after the retirement of two dentists and other staff members. I expect it may be rolled into another existing practice in the coming months. 

Given the dental cleaning done today, I had chosen a softer dinner. It was delish! I made potato gnocchi (purchased -- will make my own someday) with veggies. It is a recipe that I worked on to get to something similar to a meal I had while at a conference in Washington DC several years ago. I think this is as close as I'll get -- yummy.  

A song around threes came to mind. Hope you enjoy it! Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Gimme Three Steps -- Lynyrd Skynyrd


11-186 (4/7/24) -- Road Construction

Out in the garden I transplanted some herbs into a larger pot today. I hope the plants will manage the transition well. Then I ran a couple errands downtown. Pothole repairs are being done throughout the area, so traffic was a bit backed up in places. Trying to out guess the work units was challenging. I went around one blocked area on Main Street, only to encounter the backups on the other side. I did get parked and walked to the stores on my list. When that was finished, I headed home rather than get caught up again. I will do some other errands tomorrow when I am out again. The road crews will be in different places. One of these is the only road that gets me into town -- so there won't be a work around for that one. I will need to leave even earlier than planned to get to my morning meeting <sigh>. 

A song title seemed to say what it felt like having to sit and wait or re-route around road work today. The band name is apropos, too. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

Many a Mile to Freedom -- Traffic

11-185 (3/7/24) -- Car Repair Pain

My activities began with a good research meeting to discuss possible revisions and responses for a manuscript. Late afternoon had me at the service centre with the car. The technician found nothing until just before end of day -- a good 2 hours into the investigation of the dash lighting up with all sorts of warnings and requests for service. He does feel confident that the problem may be a rear wheel speed sensor. I dislike the guessing games that came along with the computerization of the vehicle mechanics. Problems are like a laptop issue where we just try different things until something works. Sadly, that time costs the hefty labour rate. <sigh> So now we wait for the part to arrive from Ontario. It should arrive and be installed next week. 

I come from a family of mechanics. My grandfather worked in garages and with a dealership as a mechanic. My dad and brother did work on vehicles including rebuilding an engine for a very old half-ton truck. Once vehicle became computerized, along with the improved safety features came a murkier way of trying to pinpoint a problem. Is it "just a sensor" or is there something catastrophic at work in the electrical system? That is where I am these days -- left wondering. I don't have a lot of confidence in driving very far these days -- even in town. 

This situation brought a song to mind. It is one that should bring a smile, but sometimes it hits a bit too close of that. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

The Talkin' Song Repair Blues -- Alan Jackson

11-184 (2/7/2024) -- Walking for Calm

I had an appointment this afternoon. I took the bus to the office and walked home. I walked home a new way today on a muddy trail through a small wooded area. People live along the way, so it wasn't overly remote. <smile> The bright, hot sunshine made me happy there was a lengthy section in the shade. 

Once home again, I feel I did little of note. I've been feeling a bit down the past few days for several reasons. Anxiety has been elevated of late -- again for several reasons. Walking can help reduce these feelings, so the 30+ minute walk home did play a positive role in the day. The song for tonight brings a great bluesy guitar solo to the idea of walking around a city. The Irish musician does a stellar job here with a lovely relaxing sound. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Parisienne Walkways -- Gary Moore

Monday 1 July 2024

11-183 (1/7/24) -- Home Again

 Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) mark memorial day in morning of July 1st and Canada Day in the afternoon. This year, on the 108th anniversary of the Battle of Beaumont-Hamil in 1916 -- the first day of the Battle of the Somme, which lasted for close to five months -- the remains of an unknown soldier from the Newfoundland Regiment were placed in the tomb of the unknown soldier. This man was killed in France during the battle that resulted in 86% of the Regiment being killed, missing and presumed dead, or wounded. A full generation of Newfoundland and Labrador was wiped out during this short battle. The forget-me-not flower has been part of the memorial day services in NL long before the dominion joined confederation 75 years ago. Today, 820 forget-me-not flowers were placed in the tomb, representing the 820 Newfoundland soldiers whose resting place is unknown. 

While watching the ceremonies, I knew which song I would add to the blog today. Then, at the end of the official programme, the song was performed. That didn't surprise me. They lyrics are perfect for repatriating the unknown soldier. I love the melody and harmonies of the singers, who are from Newfoundland. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Sing You Home -- Ennis Sisters

11-182 (30/6/24) -- School Spirit

I finished the bit of laundry left. I did some outlines for writing and revising of a research paper manuscript today. There is a lot to think about for the  revisions. I feel overwhelmed at times -- so much to process and deadlines to meet. I also updated the information sheet I take with me to medical appointments. The next eye laser procedure will be in another week, so wanted this information ready to go then. 

I sent a note to the high school reunion organizers to let them know I won't be able to attend due to the timing of the eye surgery. This made me sad. I'd like to see and speak with some of the people I knew well in high school. Some of us were together from public school through high school. I would like to do a virtual chat if someone would carry me around on their phone to say 'hi' to a few folks. We'll see if that might work or not. 

I went to the same high school as my parents and many of my aunts and uncles. There were four secondary schools in my home town, so there was a choice. <smile> When there was an all year reunion for the school's 75th anniversary, it was like a family reunion. So, I guess many of us chose that school even when two others were within easy walking distance from home. Thinking of this brought a song line or two to mind. The Crimson and Gold! Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Be True to Your School -- The Beach Boys


11-181 (29/6/24) -- Wet Weekend

Today is Saturday. I did laundry -- quelle surprise! <grin> I managed to steam clean the floors and get to some household accounting. We are now ready for the payments that arrive at the first of the month. I watched some recorded programs and tried to get to the other paperwork -- online 'paperwork' that is. I'm not clear what it should be called now. 

The long weekend is forecast to be rainy. We had some rain today and a lot more expected for overnight into tomorrow. It seems that summer will be wet for the next week or two. The hurricane season has begun in the south Atlantic -- and early start to the season. <sigh> 

A song about rain seemed appropriate. Again, I hunted for one that has a happier core and thought of one that is silly. It makes me smile. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

It's Raining Men -- The Weather Girls

11-180 (28/6/24) -- Sleepless

An afternoon outing took me to a meeting and then to get a few grocery items. Big dark clouds were closing in just as I left the store. Rain began as I loaded the car. Instead of doing the other planned stops -- which required a bit of walking -- I just headed home. I had no desire to be walking around in damp jeans. Nothing worse than wet denim. 

I made a fun supper of meatballs in a sweet and sour type sauce. Very yummy. I felt very weary today. I may not be sleeping well or not dealing well with the stresses and deadlines of the week and coming weekend -- or all of the above. My neck and shoulders hurt at night and can wake me at times. Getting to sleep takes a bit of time, too. I wake earlier than I'd like to and feel I have less restful sleep than I need. I will work on this to see if I can improve the rhythms. 

Lyrics from a song seemed to fit my current sleeping situation. The melody feels like a song to relax to before heading to bed. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Insomniac's Lullaby -- Paul Simon