Monday, 15 June 2015

Day 2 - 166 -- Sun, Blue Sky and Flowers

A bright sunny Monday -- not too hot, just pleasant enough to enjoy a walk. I walked home from Physio and did a couple errands before the late day meeting. Walking with a light breeze and a big blue sky was very relaxing and enjoyable. It did help me to refocus outside myself for a change. There are still several trees and shrubs in bloom and a new crop of perennials just appearing. All yards and parks along the way were so lovely.

Moving closer to summer brings warmer sun, but this week the daytime highs and overnight lows are cooler than normal. I find this positive as there is less humidity and the house cools overnight so I sleep a bit better. I do like summer, but not the excessive heat -- a max of 24-25C with overnight temps in the mid-teens would be my ideal. Humidity also is uncomfortable to me. While there are days with mid-range humidity on the prairies in the summer, the oppressive high humidity of a maritime region often leads to a lot of cranky people since sleeping is disrupted for several days at a time. Yet, so many others demand that summer arrive with the heat of late July and August NOW <smile>.  It is difficult to deal with these same folks when their moods are altered in such weather -- and not say 'I told you'. <grin>.

The song for today is a wonderful instrumental that individually highlights acoustic guitar, keyboards and electric guitars. It is a selection from a band known for other acoustic recordings. The melody does fit the kind of day it was here today. Enjoy!

Sunny Monday -- Booker T. and the M.G.s

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