Friday, 19 June 2015

Day 2 - 170 -- Where to Focus -- Positive or Negative?

I drove to the physio today and then stopped at the grocery store on the way home. I'd planned to walk to the appointment, but it was pouring rain in the afternoon. Driving is not easy and I wouldn't do it daily yet -- right hand turns create pain but one does eventually have to turn right, right? <smile>. I recognize the knee replacement people who have been at physio at the same time as me. I noted that two of them were walking better today than they were on Monday. When asked, I said things were moving slowly but moving. I felt that not too much had changed in the five days. When we measured today there has been major improvement in the past week and a half. I do notice improvements every few days when something new happens like drinking tea from a cup while holding it by the mug handle. Others have noted that they see improvements in range of motion and use of the left arm when they see me every 3 days or so. So why am I fixated on what I can't do instead of what improvements are made?

Is it human nature to focus on deficiencies instead of assets?  Is this why we do 'needs' assessments more often than asset mapping, or spend time on gap analyses? It seems we are often looking for something that needs fixing instead of looking at what is working. The capacities that exist provide a great foundation on which to enhance functionality. Yet, when I look at my arm I often see what it isn't doing yet instead of what it is doing -- sadly, wanting instant results. The work involved is constant and when I miss a time or two during the day I feel guilty. In 2-1/2 weeks range of motion has come a long way, just as individuals and groups can experience improvements with just a little support -- they don't need fixing <smile>. So, the new goal is to understand the outcomes expected while highlighting the progress -- to try to focus on the progress and not what is left to do.

A silly song came to mind while thinking through this today -- silly, but it says it all and with a wonderfully unexpected duo to sing it. Enjoy!

Accentuate the Positive -- Bing Crosby & Bette Midler

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