Sunday, 28 June 2015

Day 2 - 178 -- Value in All

Clouds turned to rain today, which made being inside manageable. I went for groceries in the afternoon and spent much of the rest of the day reading, goofing off and cooking a nice supper, which I ate while watching a movie. The movie, The Imitation Game, made me think of many things, but mainly of intolerance. It was very well constructed and acted -- well worth the viewing time and learning about history is never a waste.

This movie was about a math genius who developed the first 'computer' that was used to break the German code in WWII. Despite this and his other professional accomplishments, he was not accepted by society of the time due to sexual orientation. Reflecting on this situation, several others came to mind. During wartime, many people have helped the war effort, yet were not accepted after their services were no longer required. Other movies have addressed this theme -- Tuskegee Airmen and Wind Talkers come readily to mind. In all three movies men made valued contributions to their countries yet were considered second class citizens before and after their service. Intolerance has been part of humankind since the beginning. Society has come a long way in the past 70 years. There still is much to work through, though.

Lyrics of the song today note that it takes all kinds to make the world work. Enjoy!

Every Kinda People -- Robert Palmer

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