Saturday, 20 June 2015

Day 2 - 171 -- Appreciating History

It seems to have been a lazy day -- did a few chores around the house but other than that didn't get much concrete done. I did think about the writing projects I have in play. Something is due next week for a meeting and three others will have July deadlines. I tend to write in my head -- get things organized and then when it goes onto paper it is in a next to last draft format. It is a stressful way to write, but it is the only way I can do things. Others use a stream of consciousness approach and just write, editing heavily afterwards. I believe these writing styles are tied to personality types so can't really be learned or unlearned. That is a thesis that needs to be tested, though. <smile>.

Two of the writing projects deal with the research I've been doing to explore the history of the dietetic profession as we know it today -- a stand alone profession with degrees granted in foods and human nutrition. I find this fascinating. Why do I do it? It seems that to understand the present and the possible futures, we have to understand the past. How we got where we are affects how we move forward. Without an appreciation of the historical aspects of any part of life, we cannot adequately plan for the future. I include many historical aspects of the profession and nutritional knowledge in the classroom, yet this may not be fully appreciated by everyone. I honestly believe this is not superfluous trivia, but is at the heart of the topic being discussed. How can we begin to understand how things happen in practice, if we don't understand the evolution of those practices? Hmmm. <smile>

A line from a song stuck in my head as I was thinking through some of the writing topics -- "But to understand the future was have to go back in time."  I love the recording this comes from, even with its references to a movie -- Men In Black 3. Enjoy!

Back in Time -- Pitbull

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