Saturday, 5 March 2016

Day 3 - 65 -- Moving to a New Normal

I woke earlier than planned and discovered that the meteorologists had been correct this time -- it was snowing -- big time.  There was also an onslaught of laundry -- two weeks since that had been done so a big pile. On top of this, was a pile of exams to grade. So -- it seemed to be a day filled with shoveling out from under multiple piles of paper, linens and snow. The anxiety level made it all feel like a perfect storm.

All activities kept me occupied with both mental and physical work. Moving the snow around and folding all the laundry helped me to release some of the anxious feelings. Grading helped me concentrate on one thing at a time for brief moments. These seemed like appropriate coping strategies for today. Other activities have helped with focus this past week -- a last minute interview for CBC radio, lectures, meetings with research students, chatting with friends, and sitting quietly with a purring cat. It is clear that moments of focus will come and go, yet recognizing those moments can help to see that there are positives sprinkled throughout the days. It often means reflecting back on the day, which can be challenging when memory function is feeble. It will be a whole new normal - eventually. 

The song chosen for today presents some of the thoughts that seem to overwhelm my thinking right now. The lyrics speak volumes in just a few simple words and phrases. Enjoy! 

Slipped Away -- Avril Lavigne

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