Friday, 25 March 2016

Day 3 - 84 -- Led by Anger

It was only a matter of time and Thursday seemed to be the day. Anger and lack of patience ruled the day. Being interrupted in the middle of an important conversation by someone who should know better; losing patience for those not following along in lecture or meetings; being angry with health and personal situations -- just signs of grief, though not everyone may see it that way. It took a lot of effort and energy to remain calm on the outside and speak in an even tone. By the end of the day, I simply walked away from the rude interruption and was less than gracious when speaking with a trusted friend about the situation.

I headed home early and found myself yelling at the air for a long time. I made some supper, ate and then fell asleep, which often happens on tired days for 15 to 20 minutes. Last night I slept most of the evening -- 3-4 hours. When I woke, I ate a bit more so I could take the cold meds and then went to bed to sleep. Anger is draining, as are grief and sickness the likely underlying factors. If possible, these are days when less human contact would be best. 

A song that I heard for the first time this week has some great lyrics that match with the feelings of today. Enjoy! 

Broken -- Trish Yearwood

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