Sunday, 20 March 2016

Day 3 - 79 -- Commensality

I slept last night for the first time in a long time -- not without waking up at all, but for a longer period of time between waking. When up, I unpacked and did a load of laundry. Then I rested and listened to some TV. I seem to have acquired a virus in the past 48 hours -- some coughing with head congestion. No real big fever, so it must be a cold rather than the flu. We'll see how this transpires. One more thing to make me a bit slower at doing the piles of things that await me at the office <smile>. I'm glad this didn't happen while away where I could have transmitted this to several people who aren't as well able to cope with respiratory infections.

The day ended with the year end banquet for students and faculty in the department. The turnout was wonderful and both food and program provided a bright spot. The idea of commensality was presented and practiced -- a great way to put food at the centre of relationships and socialization. Food is also central to our studies and careers. The guest speaker clearly showed the breadth of work opportunities the degree prepared him for -- and he'll have many more jobs as he moves forward in his career. The degree provides grounding in many aspects of the health field, which allows multiple careers within a single career -- the flexibility that has given me many jobs in many places, yet now there are so many other places available there should be no bored people out there. <smile>  Passion for a subject area can help avoid feeling stuck in a job and if such a feeling arises, there are many other areas that can use the knowledge and skills.

An odd song to share today -- one that includes lyrics that deal with food and meals. enjoy!

Dinner Bell -- They Might be Giants

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