Sunday, 1 May 2016

Day 3 - 122 -- May Day Commemorations

On the first Sunday in May, we celebrate convocation on our campus. The day was bright and sunny -- cool winds off the ice on the water kept us from feeling too warm <grin>. It was just a taste of things to come, much like the day holds such promise for the many graduates who will move into the next phase of their lives. It was a great day with a super group of students graduating from our program. Getting to meet their families was wonderful as always.

This first Sunday in May is also known as Battle of the Atlantic Sunday, a day to commemorate the longest battle of World War II.. This ended 71 years ago. It began in 1939 and ended in 1945, running the length of WWII. The ongoing battle ensured that supplies made the treacherous trip from Canada to the UK. The Royal Canadian Navy ran interference for the Merchant Navy that carried the needed supplies. It was a high risk situation for all concerned, carrying a high mortality and injury rate. My uncle was part of this operation.

In honour of the many men involved in the Battle of the Atlantic, I chose two songs to share today. The first is the authorized march for the RCN, while the second song is the US navy hymn, and one that also is sung often for all who sail. (since it is the first day of lobster season locally today, too.) Enjoy!

Heart of Oak -- Royal Canadian Navy March

Eternal Father -- Naval Hymn

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