Sunday, 22 May 2016

Day 3 - 143 -- Another Sunday

The day was somewhat grey and dreary. Temperature was warmer than I expected and the house got warmer than I'd like. I didn't get much done during the day.I completed a few small chores and cooked some apples to turn into spiced apple sauce in the next couple of days. It is my favourite topping for pancakes and french toast.  I don't feel as angry as yesterday, but am very tired and not too engaged with things today.

Sunday often brings some sadness as it was a family day when I was a kid -- we always had a big supper of some kind. Once I moved away from home, Sunday would often be a day for a catch up phone call. While it didn't happen every Sunday -- phone calls were still very expensive when I was at university the first couple of times -- but the day still brings those memories or expectations. Sunday is also the day before the work week starts again, so it can be a time to relax and refocus in preparation. It is a day for picnics, long walks, or a movie depending on the time of year and the weather.

The song for today notes the weight this day of the week can carry with it. The lyrics explain what I've tried to here, but much more eloquently. Many voices have recorded this song, but this is the voice I always here in my head. Enjoy!

Sunday Morning Coming Down -- Kris Kristopherson

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