Sunday, 8 May 2016

Day 3 - 129 -- Roses and Memories

Mother's Day -- the first without a mailed gift and a phone call. Sundays have felt odd for the past two months, so today is just a bit more intense. While at the grocery store on Friday, I stopped to admire the flowers, many roses of all colours and shades. They reminded me of my mother. She loved flowers, orchids were a favourite for special occasions. Yet, when sorting through her possessions, it became clear that roses were a true favourite. I knew that -- Dad grew them at home. She favoured talisman roses which are orange at the base and yellow at the tip of the petals. These were the class rose for the lab technology graduates. These were almost impossible to acquire through florist shops, though. She loved deep pink, pale pink and champagne roses. I was aware of some items that she had that held images of deep pink roses but found so many more from teabag holders to bed spread and shams, roses were found in every room. It made me smile as I continued to discover further examples while cleaning.

Now, roses of the pinkish shades will always remind me of my mother. A song from years ago came to mind for the title mainly. It is not a favourite of mine or of my mother's -- a bit maudlin and rather over-produced, but some of  the lyrics do say part of what I was thinking today. Enjoy!

Mama Like the Roses -- Elvis Presley

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