Thursday, 19 May 2016

Day 3 - 140 -- Sunny Thoughts

Today was filled with sunshine and warmth with a mild breeze rather than the colder winds of late. I began the day with several positive conversations. The pharmacists and techs chatted with me about my bite wound healing well so far. My older neighbour was waiting for a prescription to be filled and we had a good chat. We generally wave to each other as we drive out of our driveways in the winter. We see each other more once the weather is more pleasant <smile>. As I walked across the parking lot at the fitness centre, I spotted a colleague who lost his mother in the same way I lost mine. I'd meant to check in with him but fate put us together today to note how things are moving forward for each of us. All three conversations were different, but each left me with a good feeling -- varied emotions, but overall good.

Walking the rest of the way to the office, I thought that such things don't happen as often in bigger cities. Each time I've walked to a store, the bank, the post office or work, I've seen at least one person I know. I had worried about living in such a small town (population 5000 plus 4200 students during the academic year). I felt my anonymity would be threatened. Everyone would know everything. While some of that is true, it hasn't been a bad thing. I can be alone, but I know that I will encounter someone I know on most outings --even if it is just to nod and say hello. I'm not sure I could live in a large city again -- though I do like having the amenities of a city. Interesting <grin>.

A silly song came to me while thinking of the encounters with sun and people. Now I did grow up in a medium sized city (~ 40,000) and lived in large metropolitan areas (several million) as well as larger cities (250,000 to 700,000). So I do understand city living. This song focuses more on rural life. Enjoy!

Country Sunshine -- Dottie West

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