Today also marks the release of a new album celebrating 50 years since the beginning of the Monkees (that date is actually in September). Now before you stop reading, this is an interesting album that includes demo and partially completed tracks from studio time in the '60s. Songs by Neil Diamond, Boyce and Hart, and Carol King. With those newly polished tracks are several new songs written by Ben Gibbard (Death Cab for Cutie), Noel Gallagher & Paul Weller (Oasis), Rivers Cuomo (Weezer), and Andy Partridge (XTC). So -- it isn't all oldies. Dolenz, Tork and Nesmith contribute and Jones appears from one of those tracks from the '60s on a Neil Diamond tune. My copy hasn't arrived yet, but I've heard good things from those with a copy already -- die hard fans and critics. Better than expected has been said by several of the reviewers. I'll add my studied comments once I've had time to sit and listen and ponder -- when it arrives in the mail.
For today I want to share one of the early released songs written by Rivers Cuomo. It made me smile. It has a relaxed but up feel and some have said it has that earworm quality, but in a good way <smile>. The song and lyrics channel some of the '60s pop songs. The video is reminiscent of the Monkees TV show and the later animated program. Give it a listen. Enjoy!
She Makes me Laugh -- The Monkees
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