Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Day 3 - 132 -- Mid-week Meanderings

Wednesday the middle of the week -- while colloquially referred to as 'hump day' it is not generally a slide downhill to get to the end of the week. I got through a couple of things that weren't on the list for today, and a couple of other tasks that were on the list. So -- not bad overall. I'm still working through the files and sorting and culling. I felt little compunction to save many things, so they went out in the big recycle bin tonight. There will be room for the files of the next year now and the drawer will no longer refuse to open or close as papers pop up out of the files. There are still two other drawers that need to be cleared. I'd hoped to do much of this last summer, but with only one fully functional arm, it became more challenging.

There is a certain degree of freedom with letting files and papers go. Interesting. I'm not sure how admin files (like archives) or research papers weigh us down. My brain works differently than those who love to keep things in filing cabinets. Once it goes into the drawer and the drawer closes, it is like it is gone. Now, I do use the course files regularly, but these need to be overhauled to be even more useful. I tend to file in piles or magazine holders -- items are visible and can be accessed and updated more regularly. Cubbies would work better than closing drawers for me, but few workplaces seem to provide anything other than filing cabinets for employee offices. There are so many ways that workplaces could improve productivity by recognizing the unique needs of employees. Desk layouts, standing work stations, storage options and such could make everyone feel and work better.

A song ran through my head when I realized it was mid-week and fit with my feelings of needing to continue the culling process. While the clearing files is freeing a bit, it is also tedious and brings a feeling of wondering when it will end <smile> -- an interesting intersection of tensions. These song lyrics made me smile. Enjoy!

Stuck in the Middle -- The Jeff Healey Band

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