Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Day 3 - 342 -- Holiday Magic

Again, the day was grey with heavy overcast. It was also filled with many meetings. Several great conversations and catching up with colleagues occurred at work and at the grocery stores -- seems that is where we all congregate <smile>. Everyone said they were avoiding grading by getting groceries. It doesn't fix things, but it helps to know that others are in the same place I am.

Santa seems to be on the minds of the kids at the stores. Given that he has regular hours at our mall now means many have or will be seeing him. He can't be there all day everyday, though, since he has other malls to go to using that special Santa magic. If he has mastered the round the world with a bazillion stops along the way in a single night, malls are a cake walk for him.

The song that came to mind today deals with Santa and his magic. It has a bluesy style with wishful lyrics. The singer has fun with this one. Enjoy!

The Red-Suited Superman -- Rod Stewart

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