Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Day 3 - 348 -- Still moving snow

When the backhoe finished opening up the end of the driveway this afternoon, I headed out to clear away the bits left behind the car and to take the 10+ inches off the car. The car usually takes 30+ minutes to clear the roof and hood in such situations. There was just a bit behind the car, but the new driver seemed to move a lot onto the town sidewalk instead of my lawn. That 'bit' was knee deep and four feet wide. When that was moved, I went back to the driveway and cleared the ankle deep stuff left out by the street. Not an issue for driving through it, but there will be a freeze up and that stuff would be horrible for driving and walking. So -- that took another 30 minutes -- it was heavier snow since the temperature rose to about freezing today. Less per shovel full takes more time. All told, I was out for over an hour. During the last 20 minutes, snow pellets fell from the sky -- the flurries we were told to expect, but not enough to accumulate, thankfully. Tomorrow it is meant to rain when the temp creeps above freezing and it looks like a flash freeze could occur as the temps plummet overnight tomorrow.

As I was out moving snow around, several people walked by. I chatted with one I knew and noticed the others as they talked and laughed. The breaks between shoveling had me looking at the snow as it fell from the sky or fell off the trees and car. This all reminded me of the first three lines of a Christmas song. This one originally appeared in the '60s, yet became known from the mid-'80s until 2014 as a television Christmas tradition. This recording is from a time long before Letterman. Enjoy!

Christmas (Baby please come home) -- Darlene Love

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