Monday, 12 December 2016

Day 3 - 346 -- Winter Visits Early

Much as I dislike snow and ice, moving light, fluffy snow can be an easier task than some. While pushing around about a foot of snow yesterday, I had an interesting feeling of happiness. I was listening to my iPod and was ready to dance in the snow. At one point, I pondered making a snow angel. It was just 'that' kind of snow. In the end, I chose not to. I was afraid that all that any neighbours looking out the windows would see was an older adult moving snow who was now flailing around on the ground. Rather than have them call 911 and then me having to explain my miraculous recovery, I thought better of my original plan. Instead, I soldiered on moving the snow on that long driveway.

Later in the day, we had a Christmas celebration dinner for the department at a local restaurant. It was a fun evening with most people able to attend. A few were unable to get in due to illness, travel and the nasty sea effect snow squalls. The company was great and the commensality of a shared meal brought that sense of togetherness -- though in a different way than felt at most meetings or with office tasks. It is a great gift to be able to socialize with those you work with -- and like it <smile>.

A few lines from a song ran through my head when reflecting on the happenings of yesterday. The singer-songwriter is from Nova Scotia and has a wonderful voice for this type of song. Though it has a sadder sound to it, the lyrics do speak to joy and looking up at the sky -- things that happened during my snow removal process yesterday. It seemed only fitting to share that song with you here today. The trees at the beginning of the video resemble those in my yard today and yesterday. Enjoy!

Wintersong -- Sarah McLachlan

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